Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Fair warning, I'm bored and just rambling here.

The other day I was the lead nurse on a trauma that will forever be ingrained in my mind. Though HIPAA laws prevent me from giving details I can provide some information.

A motorcycle was speeding around a corner and hit an SUV going the opposite direction. Though he was wearing a helmet, that did not do much to save him. He succumbed to the extensive injuries while under my care.

Everything that happened during the trauma, injured, procedures, and his eventual passing, didn't really affect me or my other coworkers as far as I know (having spoken to them after, we all seem to be OK). There was only one thing that bothered me, his legs and feet below the knees. 

The extent of the injured allowed both feet to lay flat and pointing in the same direction. He didn't fit in the body bag because of his stature.  Those same injuries allowed me to fold his legs/feet into the body bag. That was what bothered me the most.

I had a chance to talk with my boss, she wanted to make sure I was mentally doing OK or if I needed to talk with anyone.  Honestly I'm fine, minus that one thing.  


I'll be going to Corpus Christi later this month. I grew up visiting family there almost every weekend until I was in high school and after that it was usually once a month.

The area of Corpus Christi I knew was not the safest in the world. After dark you didn't keep your head above the window line in the off chance there were stray bullets.

It wasn't until I was in high school that I realized Corpus Christi was a tourist town.  I had no clue and I was honestly baffled why people wanted to go there.

Now that I have an opportunity to go back, I'm checking out a few tourist things including the Selena statue and a turtle sanctuary.

Though I'll be extremely tired by the end of the trip, I think it'll be a good visit.

Well, that's all that's truly on my mind. Watching some cheesy 70s horror movies while typing. Entertaining.

Spartan No More

It's with heavy heart I type these words. Here's my story (I know nobody asked, but I'm not sleeping and I have a computer, so w...