Thursday, February 13, 2020

Favorite Villain Songs

It's been a while since I've written anything. I'm going to start trying again, if anything to keep my mind occupied while I'm waiting to be tired enough to sleep.

Today I've decided to write about my Favorite Villain songs. A good villain makes for a good movie, and their song tells the world quickly what they are about.  These are my current favorites, in no particular order. 

There are other villain songs that I didn't put on the list. It's not cause I don't like them, I'm just getting tired (I wrote this part after I was done with the post).

The Moana soundtrack is fantastic, as are many other Disney movie soundtracks. Though the big song was How Far I'll Go, I personally think this song was the star of the show. It's fantastic. I love the beat, the lyrics are hilarious, and honestly, I really like Tamatoa. What's not to like? 

Dr. Facilier is smooth. It's no wonder he was able to dupe two people into believing him. This song proves it. The animation, colors, and music are fun to listen to. Though he isn't the worst Disney villain, he only managed to kill a bug (still more than other Disney villains), he is definitely one of the creepiest. I definitely wouldn't want to cross paths with him.

Everyone hates the dentist (except Bill Murray in this movie). Everyone loves Elvis. What's not to love a bout a sadistic Elvis dentist? This song is hilarious. I've made a post about it earlier.  Steve Martin does a fantastic job. You can listen to the song but watching the entire move puts it in much better context (just like many other songs on the list).

What's not to love about this rendition? They were fantastic. Very entertaining to watch and listen to. I hope they succeed in completing Hocus Pocus 2, would be fun to watch the Sanderson Sisters.

The Rio soundtrack is phenomenal. The entire movie is great, it's like 20th Century Fox pulled a Disney. And this is the second song on here by Jermaine Clement. This bird is evil, he poops on people and he blames it on seagulls.

Spartan No More

It's with heavy heart I type these words. Here's my story (I know nobody asked, but I'm not sleeping and I have a computer, so w...